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Tickets Settings


Default Ticket TypeIssueThe default ticket type for newly created tickets.
Allow Public TicketsfalseAllow unregistered users to create tickets. A user account will automatically generate for that user base on their email
Allow Agents to Submit Tickets on Behalf of UserstrueAllow agents to submit tickets as another user.
Show Overdue TicketstrueShows a blinking ticket row on the tickets page if a ticket is in violation of its SLA time
Minimum Subject Length10The minimum character length the subject must meet in order for the ticket to validate successful.
Minimum Issue Length10The minimum character length the issue must meet in order for the ticket to validate successful.

Ticket Types​

Ticket Types are categories of tickets that link priorities with SLA times to tickets. Allowing administrators to setup different types of tickets with different SLA requirements. The default Issue and Task ticket type share the same priorities and act a way to group tickets together.


Ticket priorities define the response time or SLA of the ticket via its Ticket Type. Once a ticket is in violation of its SLA time, it will automatically be marked as an overdue ticket.

Ticket Tags​

Tags are used to group tickets together. Tags are used in reporting and filter of tickets. A Top 10 Tags chart is also displayed in on the Dashboard to show which issues are more common.