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Mail Settings

Settings related to sending & receiving email.

New Email Templates​

Beta Feature

The new email templates is currently in beta still under active devlopment. Some aspects of the feature may change in a future release

The new email templates utilize a visual email editor through a third-party component GrapesJS. GrapesJS is still in active development. Currently two templates are available with the new template format.

Ticket-CreatedEmail sent when a new ticket is created
Password ResetEmail sent when a user requests a password reset on the Login Page


SMTP settings to connect Trudesk Mailer to a provider for sending emails. Not all email providers allow the same connection methods, Trudesk has been tested with the follow email providers.

Mail ServerServer address for the SMTP host.
PortPort for SMTP connection
Auth UsernameUsername for SMTP Authenication
Auth PasswordPassword for SMTP Authenication
From AddressFrom address used when sending mail.
Note: Most SMTP providers require the FROM address to match the Authenication user email address.
Use SSLv3Enable SSLv3 if your SMTP provider requires it

You must Apply your settings before you can them with the Test Settings button.

Mail Check​

The Mail Check process polls an IMAP inbox for new emails and tries to convert them into tickets.

Mail Server---IMAP Hostname or IP adress
Port---Port used to connect to the IMAP server
Username---Username of the IMAP mailbox to poll.
Password---Password of the IMAP mailbox to poll.
Allow Self Signed CertificatedisabledIf the IMAP server utilize a self-signed cert, bypass validation checks.
Polling Interval10How often to poll the server for new messages in minutes.
Create AccountdisabledIf the user does not have a Trudesk account one will be created using their FROM email address
Delete MessagedisabledOnce the message has been scanned, Trudesk will delete the message from the inbox.
Note: Trudesk will remove the message regardless if it was successfully processed. This will be addressed.
Default Ticket TypeIssueAll mail processed through the Mail Check process will have this ticket type.
Default Ticket PriorityNormalAll mail processed through the Mail Check will have this ticket priority